This project was inspired by my experiences testing using RSwag and from my small part in helping maintain it. I wasn't happy with how often I had to look up the OpenAPI spec to be able to follow it.
A lot of this came down to OpenAPI itself being complex and making significant changes over the years (e.g. x-nullable: true
→ nullable: true
→ type: ["string", "null"]
). A bigger part is they're limited to valid JSON, so they have very few tools to work with.
I started wondering if I could tweak RSwag to smooth over some of these rough edges. Is there a way to make it easier to write and harder to mess up?
It started as consolidating a few helper functions together, before a bigger question hit me:
“What if I ditched writing OpenAPI entirely?”
Rather than drag all of their maintainers and users along with my crackpot schemes, I decided it was time to set off on a new project: Katachi