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All comparisons return a Katachi::Result object that contains detailed information about the comparison.

Sample Diagnostics from the Katachi::Result object
value = {a: 1, foo: :bar}
shape = { a: Integer, foo: String }
result =, shape:)
result.match? # => false
result.code # => :hash_is_mismatch
result.child_results # contains the recursive results of interior comparisons
result.to_s == <<~RESULT.chomp
:hash_is_mismatch <-- compare(value: {a: 1, foo: :bar}, shape: {a: Integer, foo: String})
:hash_has_no_missing_keys <-- compare(value: {a: 1, foo: :bar}, shape: {a: Integer, foo: String}); child_label: :$required_keys
:hash_key_exact_match <-- compare(value: :a, shape: :a); child_label: :a
:hash_key_exact_match <-- compare(value: :foo, shape: :foo); child_label: :foo
:hash_has_no_extra_keys <-- compare(value: {a: 1, foo: :bar}, shape: {a: Integer, foo: String}); child_label: :$extra_keys
:hash_key_exactly_allowed <-- compare(value: :a, shape: :a); child_label: :a
:hash_key_exactly_allowed <-- compare(value: :foo, shape: :foo); child_label: :foo
:hash_values_are_mismatch <-- compare(value: {a: 1, foo: :bar}, shape: {a: Integer, foo: String}); child_label: :$values
:kv_specific_match <-- compare(value: {a: 1}, shape: {a: Integer}); child_label: [:a, 1]
:match <-- compare(value: 1, shape: Integer); child_label: Integer
:kv_specific_mismatch <-- compare(value: {foo: :bar}, shape: {foo: String}); child_label: [:foo, :bar]
:mismatch <-- compare(value: :bar, shape: String); child_label: String