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Hash Comparison

Hashes are checked to ensure their keys and values match the shape.

value = {a: 1}
shape = {a: Integer}, shape:).match? # => true

By default, no extra or missing hash keys are allowed.

Extra and Missing Keys Are Not Allowed
# This will fail because `:b` is not in the shape
value = {a: 1, b: 2}
shape = {a: Integer}, shape:).match? # => false

# This will fail because `:b` is missing from the value
value = {a: 1}
shape = {a: Integer, b: String}, shape:).match? # => false

Extra Keys

If you want to allow extra keys, no special syntax is needed. Ruby comes to the rescue!

Ruby accepts more than just strings and symbols as hash keys.

We take advantage of this by applying the same comparison logic to the keys as we do to the values.

Allowing Extra Keys
value = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
shape = {a: Integer, Symbol => Integer}, shape:).match? # => true

We've made sure that if you go through the trouble of describing an exact key, it will override more "generic" matches.

Exact Keys Override Generic Matches
value = {a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c'}
shape = {a: 'foo', Symbol => String}, shape:).match? # => false

We consider a shape that defines a case-equality operator (===) to be a generic matcher.

Key Shapes

All the key matching logic is the same as for values, you can use any shape you like for the keys.

Using a UUID as a Key
value = { "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" => "My Id" }
shape = { :$uuid => String}, shape:).match? # => true

While you can use a shape for a key, for simplicity it's usually best to stick to simple shapes.

Optional Keys

For making keys optional, we provide a special :$undefined shape.

Making a Key Optional
value = {a: 1}
shape = {a: Integer, b: Kt.any_of(Integer, :$undefined)}, shape:).match? # => true

This can also be used to disallow a key even when allowing extra keys.

Disallowing a key
value = {a: 1, b: 2, secret: 'shh'}
shape = {Symbol => Object, secret: :$undefined}, shape:).match? # => false

Nested Hashes

As with arrays, hashes can be nested as deep as you like.

value = {a: {b: {c: 1}}}
shape = {a: {b: {c: Integer}}}, shape:).match? # => true

If you're looking for a more in-depth overview of how hash comparison works, check out the Hash Comparison Design Document document.